Links and Resources

The Papacy

The Papacy

The Jubilee Campaign of the United Kingdom.

Åke Eldberg's most interesting Papacy page. Mr. Eldberg is a minister in the (Lutheran Episcopal) Church of Sweden. Quote: "An authoritarian church, often in an unholy alliance with the secular state, has become a force of oppression which has caused dissent and revolt rather than unity. The RCC's fantastic claims to theological infallibility and universal religious authority, coupled to her tendency to write down and forever carve in rock her position on every issue, has caused a lot of contradictions that need to be explained away, leading to hypocrisy."

Catholic Institutions

The charitable organization "Aid to the Church in Need" which has given much aid to the Russian Orthodox and other Orthodox churches.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)

An important organization that works to achieve the gospel standard in social justice causes, and has active contacts with all the Eastern Christian Churches is the Community of St. Egidio.

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Last modified on Friday July 23, 2004 at 1:00 AM UTC